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Financial regulators have often called out the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies and now a new study from Forex Suggest reveals 431.6 million trees would need to be planted to offset bitcoin’s pollution over the last year.
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What stunning news…. though not surprising…. The most useful information  is The most eco-friendly cryptocurrency available is Stellar, with just 0.0003 kWh per transaction. Stellar also costs less than a cent per transaction……..Is there a comparison chart that shows kWh per transaction for each major coin type – this should shame the polluters….. and users…..    PS what user/corporate is ultimately paying cash for the power needed for these transactions?????   We know that drowning Bangladeshi/Pakistanis and Ethiopian families dying from drought driven starvation are paying the human cost!!! )     This is a worthy target for the Woke Generation to get their teeth into! 
How are crypto currencies advancing the Human Experiement (not talking about blockchain here)   Seems their major use is criminal/scam/ponzi based?  
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