Did you Know?
SAP has launched a new enterprise on the Metaverse with the aim of accelerating cloud adoption among Indian firms. The interactive and immersive ‘cloud on wheels’ platform will enable customers to experience the full range of SAP’s offerings and reimagine processes for improved business outcomes.
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The Central Bureau of Investigation cited two instances of “quid pro quo” while seeking the custody of former ICICI Bank chief Chanda Kochhar and her husband, who were arrested on Friday in a corruption case.
The Centre’s subsidy bill is expected to fall in the next fiscal year even after making foodgrain free for the poor as the additional allocation under the Covid-19 relief scheme will end in December this year.
The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is not in favour of reserving spectrum in the mid-band for captive private networks as suggested by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), dealing a possible setback to firms such as Infosys, GMR and Tata Communications.
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