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The survey noted a decline in the rate of crypto believers. After the crypto collapses just 8% of Americans have a positive approach over cryptocurrencies. 
The CNBC All-America Economic Survey noted a drastic change and increased the negative view of Americans, right from 25% in March to 45%. The survey was carried out of 800 American people and the margin of error was +/- 3.5%.
As per the survey, 42% of crypto investors now have a somewhat or very negative view of the asset, in line with the 43% result for all adults surveyed. Key difference 17% of crypto investors are “very negative” compared to 47% of non-crypto investors.
Brain Brook, CEO of Bitfury and former comptroller of currency said  “And so when you read FTX stories on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, literally every day for the last 30 days…what it does is for relative new entrants, they get scared. And so as a result, liquidity is thinner than it would have been and people’s willingness to invest is lower.” at CNBC Financial Advisor Summit.
Also read: U.S Federal Warns Banks to Check Legality of Crypto Activities

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