Basketball isn’t the only heat you’ll find in Miami, a city rapidly becoming known for its emerging tech development and investment in the hot crypto sector. It’s why we chose it as the destination for our first TC Sessions: Crypto on November 17.
We have an outstanding agenda lined up with leading movers and shakers in the cryptoverse. But you’ll also find some of the hottest early-stage startups exhibiting on the show floor. We’re talking about founders who are building and betting on the blockchain, DeFi, NFTs and web3.
Let’s take a quick look at just five of the startups you’ll find on the expo floor. Get a head start on planning your schedule to make the most of your time. We’ll be announcing more exhibitors in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.
Hold up: Don’t have a ticket yet? Buy your General Admission pass now to take advantage of launch pricing, and you’ll save $250. This deal won’t last long as prices go up on October 13th.
Don’t miss your chance to meet and connect and network with some of the most creative early-stage startups bent on redefining the future of finance, blockchain and the web at TC Sessions: Crypto on November 17. Buy your pass now and save $250 — before the special launch pricing disappears. We’ll see you in Miami!
Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TC Sessions: Crypto? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

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