Daisy Lan, a high school student at California’s Mountain View Academy (MVA), has just released one of the first philanthropic NFT drops fully launched within a high school’s borders. Officially launched by Mountain View Academy’s NFT Club, the collection of 100 unique artworks celebrates Mountain View’s 100th anniversary while combining an element of social good.
The collection’s proceeds will be fully donated to over 6,000 displaced students from over 2,000 schools in Ukraine. For Lan, this monumental event was a chance to good in the world and help spread awareness about the situation in Ukraine as well as prove the benefit of using blockchain technology to achieve full transparency.
A recent study found that the NFT market is expected to reach $231 billion by 2030, up from $3.0 billion in 2022. “I’ve seen how much money people my age are making on NFTs,” Lan said, “but I wanted to prove that NFTs can also be used to do good in the world.”
lan’s high school career included the rise of NFTs as a global phenomenon, with billions of dollars transacted and thousands of artists finding a new source of income and fandom. An additional benefit is that NFT creators have been able to protect their art as it is memorialized on the blockchain. 
“I wanted to see if other people could benefit from this technology while at the same time honoring the artist by using their creativity for a good cause,” Lan added. 
Though Lan’s project was to create a platform where students and her community could donate to a good cause, doing this as a school project meant drafting multiple proposals, rallying fellow students, and teaching others about what an NFT is and what it can do. 
Lan has completed multiple blockchain technology courses from institutions like Princeton and MIT, all while working diligently to get into a university where she can continue her academic pursuits and cultivate her desire to be a positive influence in her community. 
Lan will graduate this year, but not before she’s done making a difference at MVA and for others who are seemingly a world away. She’s hoping the concept catches fire in California and that other students follow suit, innovating ways to serve others. 
Projects like Lan’s can show the reach that NFTs have, not just for personal gain, but to enhance and better a world that we find ourselves more interconnected by each day. 
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