NFT: Melania Trump releases new NFTs, ‘American Christmas’ ornaments for charity
Photo by: Melania Trump NFT Website
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Melania Trump is offering new non-fungible tokens (NFT) again, and the former first lady of the United States is sending part of the proceeds to the foster care community to fund the children's education via scholarships.
As per Fox News, Trump is set to roll out limited-edition Christmas ornaments that were handcrafted. These will be sold along with the decors’ NFT version, and the items are on sale under the “American Christmas” ornaments title.
The former POTUS said that she is releasing the new NFTs and decors to celebrate the upcoming season that is "filled with hope." Trump further explained that the ornaments’ designs are "inspired by the American experience and spirit."
One of the items in the American Christmas Collection is called "The Christmas Star." This is a handcrafted brass ornament made in the U.S. and will feature an exclusive engraving of Melania Trump's signature.
The corresponding NFT are to be minted in limited quantities only on the Solana blockchain. The collection will feature a total of six traditional Christmas decors, and they will come with redeemable digital collectibles.
Melania Trump previously shared that she chose to use the Solana blockchain for minting her NFTs as it is an eco-friendly option. After buying an item/s, owners can display their Christmas ornament NFT by saving them as a digital collectible. Owners can also freely re-sell them on the marketplace if they wish.
The ex-POTUS personally designed The Christmas Star for the 2022 Christmas season. It is being sold per piece for $45 with the NFT.
“My creative inspiration for the upcoming holiday season is hope, and naturally, the Star embodies this spirit,” Melania Trump said in a post. “My hope is for families across the world to use The Christmas Star ornament to inspire their loved ones with positive purpose, aspirations, and values as we enter the new year. This holiday season, remember to aim high to reach your full potential.”
Meanwhile, pre-orders for the ornaments and NFTs started on Sept. 15 and will end on Oct. 2. All the purchases are set to be delivered before Christmas. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to "Fostering the Future," an initiative of Melania Trump’s "Be Best" platform that helps children achieve their fullest potential.
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