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According to a recent press release, a major ticket sales and distribution company announced that event organizers who sell tickets on its platform now can issue NFTs before, during and after live events. To date, the company has reportedly minted more than 5 million digital keepsakes on the Flow blockchain that can be activated to access additional engagement opportunities.
In a recent update to a May blog post, a major U.S. technology company announced that users of two of its social media platforms now can post NFTs by linking their digital wallets to their social media accounts. According to the blog post, “This will enable people to connect their digital wallets once to either app in order to share their digital collectibles across both.” The social media platforms support the posting and sharing of NFTs minted on the Flow blockchain or from wallets supporting Ethereum or Polygon.
In a final development, according to a press release, Fantastec SWAP, a technology firm focused on sports NFTs, recently launched limited-edition digital signature NFTs for two college football teams ahead of football season. Each athlete's digital signature was reportedly recorded and authenticated on the Flow blockchain.
For more information, please refer to the following links:
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
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