Marks & Spencer is appointing a new finance chief after Eoin Tonge quits just after more than two years on the job.
‘Minecraft’ developer blocks NFTs because they do not align with the game’s values
Facebook launches Feeds tab that displays posts chronologically, but it cannot be a default option
JAL predicts that demand for its foreign services would continue at less than 50 percent of pre-pandemic levels throughout fiscal 2022.
The multi-year partnership allows Distill to promote its vodka products on all of the MLB’s digital and television platforms.
Hyundai Motor agreed to supply its IONIQ 5 electric cars to a Japanese taxi operator.
Samsung shipped nearly 10 million foldable phones last year
Asked if the companies were adequately addressing climate change risks, 55 percent of respondents said no.
KFC promotes pairing of fried chicken with champagne
Alfa Romeo’s ties with a few Chinese companies, like dairy brand AMX, Zhou’s arrival has not brought the team the sponsorship windfall it had hoped for.
PepsiCo’s new Green Bond Framework outlines the categories where funding can be directed, each aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Amazon signed an agreement with One Medical for the expansion of its healthcare push.
Sacramento Kings strike multi-year betting partnership with Red Hawk Casino
The rising popularity of the Torres SUV has led to a production increase, requiring 2 shifts.
The plant-based chilled Karaka Ramen, a vibrant rendition of Ippudo’s well-known Karaka Ramen noodles, will become available in ight more branches from July 22.
The new product is part of Doritos’ ‘Tangy’ portfolio, which already includes Doritos Tangy Pickle and Doritos Tangy Ranch.
Toss has acquired an MVNO operator to improve its offering and provide cheaper telecom services to customers.

FC Barcelona to finally release first standalone NFT
Entitled “In a way, Immortal”, the NFT will be auctioned off at Sotheby’s on July 29.
FC Barcelona has launched its first standalone NFT in collaboration with BCN Visuals depicting Johan Cruyff’s iconic flying kick and goal.
Entitled “In a way, Immortal”, the NFT will be auctioned off at Sotheby’s on July 29.
The NFT's buyer will also receive the title of Barça Digital Ambassador.
The smart contract for the NFT gives users access to benefits like meet-and-greets and five years of hospitality rights, among others.
Four more NFTs that each depict a still image from the 1973 goal will be auctioned in addition to the animated NFT. The auction starts on July 29.
The first of FC Barcelona's ten planned pieces of art is this NFT. Each article will include significant events and notable club members. All of this is a part of FC Barcelona's initiatives to interact with its younger fan base by utilizing NFTs as an immersive product to build its brand.
FC Barcelona already has NFTs as part of a deal between La Liga and Sorare for player cards used in fantasy football games.
Ultimately, FC Barcelona’s decision to launch its own NFTs and metaverse show its intention to capitalize on the emerging trend and aid its finances.

According to FC Barcelona President Joan Laporta, they believe that with their new NFT strategy they have found a unique opportunity to continue growing and consolidating the Barça brand.
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The NFT depicting Johan Cruyff’s iconic flying kick and goal will be auctioned off at Sotheby’s on July 29.
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Alfa Romeo’s ties with a few Chinese companies, like dairy brand AMX, Zhou’s arrival has not brought the team the sponsorship windfall it had hoped for.
A non-fungible token (NFT) represents each Acentrik dataset and a metadata hash is stored in it.
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