Jul 11
It’s not enough to design a landing page or a logo and call it good. Appealing to customers and building your NFT brand requires a little more nuance. To truly understand what your company is all about, you need to be able to develop what’s known as a brand identity.
Simply put, an NFT brand identity is how your customers perceive you. What images and feelings do they associate with you? Your identity isn’t just how you interact with your customers but everything that makes up how your company presents itself to the world- the types of visuals you use in your marketing campaigns, the typography you use in your email newsletters and on your landing page, your logo, the value you offer clients, and so on. Designing a brand identity that works ensures that you will stand out from your competition.
How do you design a brand identity that works? Here are a few things to keep in mind.
You simply can’t build a brand identity without understanding your audience. Who is your target audience? What do they want from your brand?
It never hurts to poll your holders and ask. Did your branding meet their expectations? If so, ask why that is. If not, figure out what wasn’t working. Consider if your current marketing efforts are meshing with your envisioned goals for your drop.
What sort of values do you want your brand to impart? Are you authoritative? Casual? Light-hearted? Determine what kind of vibe you want your brand to impart. Be willing to ask yourself critical questions. Are the visuals and messages your brand sends cohesive with your brand’s values and envisioned personality?
Effective NFT marketing and identity development ask that you get emotional. What kinds of emotions are you looking to elicit in your customers? One study demonstrated that humans experience four base emotions: happiness, sadness, surprise/fear, and anger. What feeling do you want your NFT marketing and materials to reflect and elicit in your holders?
The kinds of emotions you’re playing to will influence the color choices you use (bright colors like yellows and whites play well to positive emotions while blacks/reds/and grays may be better suited when appealing to more negative feelings), your typography, and will influence how your identity interacts with customers.
No company exists in a bubble. Even if your brand operates in an obscure industry, it helps research competitors. Consider what sort of images and branding they’re using. If possible, you’ll want to consider their sales and market reach compared to yours. What are they doing right? What mistakes would you like to avoid? The better you understand who you’re working against, the better you’ll be able to understand what sort of identity you want your brand to impart.
But developing an identity shouldn’t be a solo effort. Collaborate with other departments in your company to determine what identity your brand should have. Every aspect of your company must be working together. Your designers should understand your brand just as profoundly as your community managers. Be sure to seek constant feedback throughout the process and brief everyone in your company about the story your identity is trying to tell. This will ensure that your identity is both strong and consistent.
Joan is a Web3 / NFT writer, angel investor, communicator, and creative director. She is the founder of the web3 marketing, PR, branding, and creative firm Studio Self, where she helps blockchain companies, founders and creatives communicate with humans. She is building Metapunk Ventures, a Web3 venture studio, and building MODA DAO + Emanate

Chaotic good. Award winning creative director & writer, ft. in Wired, Inc, SF Chronicle, TNW. Founder thisisstudioself.com
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Chaotic good. Award winning creative director & writer, ft. in Wired, Inc, SF Chronicle, TNW. Founder thisisstudioself.com
A Guy
Kartik Kakani


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