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With his new track ‘Black Hole’, recorded for his true fans, Burak Yeter confirms his fascination for space, the galaxies and its cosmic phenomena.
Futuristic, Burak Yeter will take control of the entire process by looking for an innovative distribution model, and turned to Atlanticus Music to create a limited NFT collection, available June 29th for public sale, while a private sale will be running for the whitelisted people 72 hours before.
The cost of this NFT, 79 USD, will encompass the limited edition of the track in the best audio quality (.wav). In addition, there will be a few rewards to thank the community, such as an invitation to a very private livestream once a year, the video clip of Black Hole, and a thank you video from Burak Yeter.
Among the buyers, 40 will have the chance to win a guestlist at Burak Yeter’s events with the person of their choice (one event per year). 1 lucky NFT holder will win a night with Burak including a dinner before the show and a backstage access for the whole DJ set.
Atlanticus Music will open the whitelist on June 15th to any fans willing to participate in the awareness of the project on social media – by liking, tagging a friend and DM’ing to ask for a whitelist spot on either Instagram, Twitter or Discord, leaving your email to get access to the private sale. This is a limited NFT collection for Burak’s closest fans, so fans must be sure to hurry as the total number of NFT’s will be very limited.
A release party on June 29th will be hosted in Ibiza at Gastroclub and Mixology bar Cova Santa. Burak Yeter will play Black Hole for the very first time in public, all the buyers from the private sale will have guestlist for the event and will meet their favourite DJ in person.
In 2020 Yeter was voted for DJ Mag’s Top100 DJ Li st, coming at #89 his debut on the list. After the massive international success of “Tuesday,” his next single, “My Life Is Going On” from the well-known Netflix series “La Casa de Papel”, became his second worldwide success, taking the #1 spot in multiple countries. Burak Yeter developed an interest in music at a young age and learned to play classical piano at the age of 5. He is performing in Symphonic-Electronic orchestras all over the world, a futuristic and bold vision of music.
A brand new NFT platform, created by music-industry players in the field of electronic music. With this marketplace, the aim is to bring fans and artists together offering to buy tracks but also music experiences.
Fully aware of the potential that the blockchain can bring to artists, but also aware of how recent NFTs are for the fans, Atlanticus Music has chosen to simplify the access to NFTs by allowing regular credit card payments, a custody wallet so you don’t need a crypto wallet to register and a customer service dedicated to answering any question regarding Web3, crypto and so on.
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