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Learn how to adapt to new shopping habits, create stand-out brand experiences and drive long-term business growth at Commerce Week. Join discussions with leaders at New Balance, WayfairRent the Runway and more, July 26–28 in NYC. Register before June 27 to save on your pass.
Ebay is buying non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace KnownOrigin in a bid to broaden its inventory of collectibles into the virtual realm.
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Patrick Kulp is Adweek’s senior reporter covering emerging tech.
Ecommerce Platform Wish Rolls Out Shoppable Video Feature
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Omnicom Teams With Shoppable Livestream Startup Firework to Grow Ecommerce Offerings
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As AR Booms, Pokémon Go Developer Niantic Has Big Plans
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You Can Now Play Pac-Man on the Side of a Pizza Hut Box Through Augmented Reality
By Patrick Kulp
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Maximize the Value of First-Party Data for Today and Tomorrow
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For Travel Brands, Customer Loyalty Is Up for Grabs
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TikTok Strategies Your Brand Needs to Master
By Kate Kenner Archibald, CMO, Dash Hudson
The Evolving Conversation on Health and Wellness
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