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Zora announces the launch of their new NFT API platform that provides detailed records on over 42 million NFTs. Including minting information, historical data, every sale made, current market value, metadata, and optimized NFT media.
While still expanding to other chains, Zora offers NFT-related data at a much larger scale than competing APIs today. With all the data, you need to get started building with NFTs. The ZORA API has detailed records for all NFTs, including minting and historical information such as price paid and transfers.
Furthermore, Zora’s API has a text-based search feature allowing users to find NFTs with keywords and phrases. This feature enables users to explore the expansive world of NFTs effortlessly. Zora’s impressive API indexes data from every market, including OpenSea LooksRare and Zora marketplaces. Whether building an analytics tool or the next groundbreaking platform, Zora’s API provides the data needed to accomplish any mission.
Zora is a public protocol allowing anyone to buy, sell or create NFTs. Zora believes in the power of collective creation and believes owners should benefit sustainably from their work. Therefore, as a feeless protocol, Zora takes zero fees when listing and selling your NFTs. Now, developers, founders, wallet providers, and the public can access all the info they need to build with NFTs.
Cryptomedia revolves around the concept that the innovation of crypto blockchains enables unrestricted access to media for all members of society (often called “the commons”). While also entitling the holder to benefits regarding the piece’s value. In Short, Cryptomedia means the media is free, allowing anyone to share or use. Yet, the creator can still own media.
“Crytomedia captures the paradox that while an artistic work is allowed to be used freely, it is still valuable. People will still pay the original creator for the right to be the work owner. It is akin owing a painting, but displaying it in a public gallery for free. The public enjoys it, but the creator/future owner can still buy and sell the ownership rights of the work.” -Zora
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Web3 content Writer/Developer based out of Central Florida. Dedicated to building community and providing knowledge on the blockchain

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