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Unfortunately, another NFT whale has had its account hacked. In this case, they saw their BAYC and MAYC NFTs stolen, alongside some coins. Even after the hack, they couldn’t show off what NFTs had been stolen due to OpenSea being down.
Sadly, in recent weeks and months, we have seen countless stories from various NFT whales who have seen their wallets being hacked. From BAYC to Cryptopunks, to Cool Cats, we’ve seen it all. Almost all of the cases have happened through the OpenSea platform, Ethereum’s leading marketplace, or MetaMask, OpenSea’s leading wallet. This has forced people to potentially look to alternatives, not because the hacks have happened due to these platforms, but just due to the fact that they are so often replicated.
In this case, @pizza_later, a Twitter user and ‘NFT whale’ with 11,000+ followers, was the victim to be hacked. Even he didn’t know what had happened, and at the time of writing, he still doesn’t. When it happened, he announced on Twitter: “I got hacked. As of right now, I don’t have any additional information. I was able to save a few things bc of some quick-acting apes in the BAYC Discord. They took NFTs and coins. I’ll post the stolen NFTs below.” This was later followed by “Can’t post the stolen items because OpenSea is down. Awesome.”
He had clarified “I don’t click strange links, download files from strangers etc”. This is often the case for many scam victims who have regular activity.
We have seen so many hacks now attacking NFT whales and seen so many people seemingly do nothing on their part to be victims of one. The best things you can do are simple: double-check links, buy and sell NFTs on proven marketplaces, and of course, protect your information.
In Pizza’s case, he joked about the situation, saying: “Guess I’m switching to Solana NFTs” with an accompanying Robin Hood begging GIF. Although Solana has seen a rise recently, there is no way to avoid hacks even in a different blockchain.
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All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
A multimedia journalist and social media manager based out of Glasgow, Scotland. Massive interest in sports, specifically basketball and football.

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