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NBA stars Andre Drummond and Ty Jerome recently aped into the world of sports NFT projects with Chibi Dinos. 
Created by Sean Kelly, Chibi Dinos is a basketball-inspired collection of over 10,000 uniquely-generated NFTs. Recently, Chibi Dinos partnered up with various Web3 firms and celebrities to stand out in the crowd.
Meanwhile, Drummond and Jerome are the latest additions to the growing roster of NBA leaguers in the Chibi Dinos community. In fact, rising stars like Terance Mann and PJ Washington have also joined the Chibi Dinos family. 
Considering the current bear market, high-profile ambassadorship and partnerships have become paramount to outlast the market downturn. Therefore, Drummond and Jerome joining the Chibi Dinos portray it as a strong pick in the present market conditions. 
Similarly, Chibi Dinos CEO is leveraging his years of experience to bridge the gap between Web3 and esports with basketball. In fact, he has the experience of delivering world-class customer service as a founding team member of Bloomberg Ventures. In addition, he has also been a leader of the Lindblad–National Geographic fleet. 
Chibi Dinos LLC is a blockchain gaming company that aims to provide entertaining utility for games and sports fans alike. Currently, it is doing so through its NBA Street-esque gameplay with playable NFT characters. 
In fact, Chibi Dinos are redefining play-to-earn through its robust ingame ecosystem, real-world experience, and prize rewards. Also, players can use their Chibi Dinos NFTs for playing basketball and earning in-game rewards in the Chibi Dinos universe.
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Bishal is a freelance writer and a digital nomad. He loves thinking, learning, and writing about all things crypto, particularly its impact on major industries. Stay tuned as he brings you more news from the fast-paced world of NFTs.

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