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Irish contemporary artist Kevin Abosch has partnered with CreativeWorkStudios and premium Japanese sake producer Asahi Shuzo to drop a unique NFT collection. In addition to owning an NFT by a renowned artist, collectors will be given the opportunity to claim bottles of a limited, exclusive and premium Dassai product from Asahi Shuzo.
The collaboration includes 777 unique 1-of-1 NFTs by Kevin Abosch. The artworks were created as a result of the artist’s engagement with millions of data points related to both Dassai sake brewing and Asahi Shuzo’s values.
Asahi Shuzo will then create a limited edition Dassai sake specifically for this drop. It is important to note that previous limited editions of the brand are highly sought after. In fact, a bottle fetched 843,750 yen ($8,026) at an auction in Hong Kong. NFT holders will have a window to claim these limited-edition physical bottles, which will be shipped to collectors worldwide.
J.Harry Edmiston, the founder of CreativeWorkStudios, said: “We both curate and empower artists with the brands that we work with, in turn, building both a creator and collector community sharing similar values to support one another within the NFT and blockchain space.”
“We are a community built on a shared want to deliver valuable, meaningful, and impactful projects that push boundaries, give back and set a precedent of artistic integrity that we feel should be universally aspirational. This collaboration is exactly that.”
The drop date for this project is 31 August. Whitelist registration is now open, which allows NFT collectors to buy an NFT for 1.25 ETH. Conversely, the public sale price is 1.5 ETH and the remaining Kevin Abosch works will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. It is important to note that this project will support the Blue Marine Foundation. It is an NGO that deals with marine conservation and overfishing.
Kevin Abosch, born in 1969 in Los Angeles, is an Irish conceptual artist. Abosch’s work addresses the nature of identity and value by asking philosophical questions and responding to sociological dilemmas.
Kevin Abosch is a pioneer in digital art and is heavily involved in the NFT space. His work encompasses both traditional and generative design methods. He also combines machine learning algorithms, blockchain, encryption algorithms and paint, resulting in his own signature style.
Many of the world’s most important museums, galleries, and art institutions have exhibited Kevin Abosch’s works. These include The Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, The National Museum of China and The National Gallery of Ireland.
Kevin Abosch joins the list of other artists from the contemporary art world joining the NFT space. These include the Richard Bernstein Estate, Tyler Hobbs, Damian Hirst and Jen Stark, to name but a few.
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This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Janelle is a freelance content writer with a passion for all things related to music, marketing and tech. She looks forward to bringing you more news relating to the fast-paced world of Crypto and NFTs from her home office in Brighton.
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