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Poop can now be used to power electrical items
This makes poop valuable
Students are being paid in a new crypto for their poop
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Shitcoins are here, and they are a stroke of genius. This is definitely one of the coolest things in crypto so far.
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology’s Cho Jae-weon is an urban and environmental engineering professor.
He has cooked up an eco-friendly toilet. But not only that. Cho’s loo is connected to a lab that uses poop to produce biogas and fertilizer.
South Korean professor Cho Jae-weon invented a toilet that turns poop into energy and pays people in digital currency.

A person defecates~ 500g/day converted into 50 liters of methane gas which generates 0.5 kWh.

Toilet users earn Ggool, a literal sh3t coin. pic.twitter.com/DCn3WteII5
The BeeVi toilet (combining the ideas of bees and vision) is the brainchild of Professor Cho Jae-weon.
The toilet uses a vacuum function to spirit away the poop into an underground tank, skipping the use of bucketloads of water
In said tank, specially inserted microorganisms break down the poop and turn it into methane. The methane is then used as energy for the building. So far it has been used to power a gas stove, heat water and it powers a solid oxide fuel cell.
“If we think out of the box, faeces has precious value to make energy and manure. I have put this value into ecological circulation,” Cho said.
While some commentators think it isn’t worth it unless it works at scale, there’s no reason why humans can’t build this into a massive thing.
Public toilets in metro could run trains
If a person poops around 500 grams of the good stuff daily, then the result is 50 litres of methane gas, generating 0.5kWh of power. This will power a car for 1.2km, or 0.75 miles.
Realising that means that the more people poop in your toilet, the more energy you will have, public spaces like gyms and restaurants will do well to convince humans to come and spend time in the smallest rooms in the  building.
Professor Cho has developed a cryptocurrency called Ggool (it translates as honey) to entice people to poop where it will be put to good use. Every person who donates a poop in the special throne earns 10 Ggool.
Already, the Ggool can be used to buy stuff. Students at the university can buy things like coffee, noodles and books on campus.
This kind of innovation is what crypto was born for. You are welcome.
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Nicole Buckler has been working as an editor and journalist for over 25 years, writing from Sydney, Melbourne, Taipei, London, and Dublin. She now writes from the crazy-amazing Gold Coast in Australia. Nicole first bought Bitcoin in 2013 not really understanding what she was doing. She is an accidental HoDLer.
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