Former U.S. President Donald Trump seized the attention of the NFT space in December with his digital trading cards launch, but the short-lived hype has since given way to crashing sales. Now the NFT passes tied to related perks are seeing similarly middling demand, with tokenized tickets for a group Zoom call with Trump selling for under $25 apiece.
Trump’s digital NFT cards were sold with the possibility of buyers receiving one of many potential benefits related to the disgraced politician, including dinner or an in-person meet-and-greet with Trump, private and group Zoom calls, and more.
Those NFT access passes—which like the trading cards were minted on Ethereum sidechain network Polygon—were airdropped to NFT card buyers starting last month. That rollout is still ongoing, with some NFT perk passes sent to card buyers as recently as this morning, per public blockchain data curated by the OpenSea marketplace.
Trump NFT Mania Gets a Very Short Term as Sales Nearly Vanish
Some of those NFTs are quickly being flipped to other users, but they’re not commanding sky-high prices like the original NFT cards did right after launch. Based on data from OpenSea, it’s mostly NFT passes to a group Zoom video call with Trump that are selling—and some have traded hands for less than $25 worth of ETH over the past day.
According to the NFT description, each Zoom call will include up to 2,000 people and last for 20 minutes. Attendees can submit questions before the call, but there’s no guarantee that their queries will even be asked, let alone answered.
To date, the Win Trump Prizes NFT collection—which hails from the same developer as the original Trump NFT collectibles—has yielded just 35 ETH (about $48,500 today) worth of trading volume on secondary markets, with the listed items starting at just 0.0174 ETH ($24) apiece.
The largest recorded sale to date was 5 ETH (over $6,900) for a redemption ticket for a digitally signed Trump NFT trading card on December 21, followed by a 2 ETH (nearly $2,800) sale of a Trump meet-and-greet pass on January 3.
Some NFT holders are at least trying to swing sizable sales of their perk passes: a ticket for a one-on-one Zoom meeting with Trump is currently listed for 200 ETH ($277,000) on OpenSea, with a gala dinner ticket NFT listed for 50 ETH (over $69,000). That doesn't mean, however, that these sellers will get their asking prices for these NFTs, or anything close to them.
An NFT is a blockchain token that represents ownership of a unique item, including digital items like artwork and collectibles. NFTs can also serve as an access pass or redemption ticket for digital and physical experiences alike.
Trump’s NFT trading cards launched on December 15 to mostly mocking responses across Crypto Twitter and even criticism from some of his fervent supporters. Still, the project sold through 44,000 of the Polygon NFTs for $99 apiece within 24 hours (another 1,000 NFTs were held back by the project creators), and then secondary market sales skyrocketed.
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Even late night comedy shows like “Saturday Night Live” got in on the Trump NFT mania after the collection generated millions of dollars’ worth of secondary sales within the first few days alone and the buzz pushed prices to several times that of the original asking price.
But the hype spike was short-lived, and both NFT prices and secondary sales volume have fallen sharply since. On Sunday, the project set a new daily low sales tally of just over $21,000 in total, per data from CryptoSlamdown more than 99% from the peak day of more than $3.5 million worth of sales on December 17.
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall (R) told on Tuesday that women and pregnant people who use abortion pills in the state could be prosecuted. Marshall said he would pursue such cases not under Alabama’s abortion ban, but under a “chemical endangerment” law that was never intended to apply to pregnant people.
If even one Democrat leaves the floor, the House could suddenly override the governor’s veto.
Governor Ron DeSantis is working overtime to stop free speech for educators in his governing state of Florida.
The North Carolina General Assembly opened its two-year legislative session Wednesday with Republicans on the cusp of veto-proof control that will force Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper to thread parliamentary needle s to block abortion restrictions and other culture war issues he’s vowed to fight.
The leader of Sri Lanka's Catholic Church on Friday praised a Supreme Court decision to order the former president and four officials to pay compensation for the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings that killed more than 260 people. The civil case brought by families of the victims charged that lax security led to the attacks which targeted three churches and three luxury hotels. On Thursday, the Supreme Court ordered Sirisena, his police chief, two senior intelligence officials and a senior defence ministry official to pay a total of 310 million rupees (about $850,000) from their personal funds as compensation to the families of the victims of the bombings who had brought the civil case before the court.
It’s been well over a year now since Texas enacted its citizen-enforced abortion ban, S.B. 8, which offers no exceptions for rape. In September 2021, Gov. Greg Abbott famously defended this by proclaiming that he would simply “eliminate all rapists from the streets,” ostensibly by giving more funding to the same police officers who do little to nothing to prevent sexual violence—and often perpetrate it themselves.
A proposed change to the North Carolina House’s rules could make it a lot easier for Republicans, who are one vote short of a supermajority, to override a veto.
Bannon, who has pleaded not guilty, entered a lower Manhattan courtroom Thursday voicing support for protesters in Brazil who falsely claim the results of the presidential election were rigged.
Any day we get to see Angelina Jolie's impossibly chic style is a good day—and yesterday, it happened twice.
STORY: “The intensity of shelling rose by about 70 percent. But nothing changed radically. Our fighters are holding the defence as they used to hold it,” said a Ukrainian serviceman who uses the call-sign “Buk” as loud explosions were heard in the background.The ultra-nationalist contract militia Wagner, run by an ally of President Vladimir Putin outside the main chain of military command, claims to have taken Soledar after intense fighting that it said had left the town strewn with Ukrainian dead. But Moscow has held off officially proclaiming victory.Ukraine's military has denied Soledar has fallen and President Volodymyr Zelenskiy mocked Russian claims to have taken over the city, saying in a video address Wednesday (January 11) that fighting was still going on.
The White House on Thursday sharply criticized what it called a “backwards” bill introduced by House Republicans that would limit presidential authority to tap the national Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which President Biden has done repeatedly in an effort to bring down gas prices.
Wind gusts reached more than 60 miles (96 kph) per hour on Sunday, strong enough to rip massive trees straight up from the root — crashing into homes, toppling cars and even uprooting concrete sidewalk.
Is it possible to create uniqueness in the digital world? NFTs in a metaverse could be the next growth spurt for content streaming companies
While sales of Trump's original NFTs are down 99% since generating $4.5 million in December, the former U.S. president is releasing a set of new trading cards and a chance at prizes.
The Senate GOP’s campaign committee is targeting Joe Manchin and two other Democratic senators from red-leaning states that likely face very challenging reelections in 2024
House Republicans led by Rep. Lance Gooden are calling for an intelligence community briefing on the threats posed by what they say is an "open" southern border.
“I understand that our nation has witnessed frequent tragedies involving gun violence and I am in no way attempting to minimize the impact these events have had,” one sheriff said. “However, I do not believe we should limit the protections that have been guaranteed to law abiding citizens in the United States Constitution.”
Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s brilliant ideas have resulted in embarrassment yet again. This time, the impact fell on employees in the company’s Singapore offices, who were reportedly unceremoniously escorted out of the building by landlords because the company didn’t pay the rent on time.
Western Union said Wednesday it has resumed remittance services between the U.S. and Cuba in a limited capacity after two years of the essential economic lifeline being severed. The company stopped the money transfers in 2020 after then President Donald Trump tightened long-standing U.S. on Cuba. The Biden administration has loosed a handful of the Trump-era restrictions, including remittance payments, but has still left many in place.
Home remodeling projects can be (sort of) great. You work hard and make a massive mess but hopefully create something beautiful and get to bask in the fruits of your labor (after spending a ton of money and exhausting yourself). You know what’s also great and—dare we say—better? Watching someone else do all of that while you lounge around and eat snacks.


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