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Popular author and podcast host, Tim Ferriss launched an NFT-driven fiction project called The Legend of Cockpunch. The Project is a huge success as the initial mint sold out very quickly and secondary sales have placed it on the top of the OpenSea NFT marketplace.
The Legend of Cockpunch is at top of the OpenSea weekly ranking that reflects a trading volume of 3,731 ETH backed with a Floor price of 0.98 ETH and has maintained sales of 2,752. Its highest selling price is 4 ETH. 
The Legend of Cockpunch is a fiction project spanning 5,555 images depicting anthropomorphized rooster characters, each with various traits and weapons.
I'm so humbled and amazed by the turnout for the @cockpunch mint that I’m at a lack for words (doesn’t happen often). Huge thanks to everyone who participated, as well as the entire team who helped make it happen! More to come soon, but suffice to say… (cont.) 👇
Tim Ferriss shared a tweet sharing “I’m so humbled and amazed by the turnout for the mint that I’m at a lack for words (doesn’t happen often). Huge thanks to everyone who participated, as well as the entire team who helped make it happen! More to come soon, but suffice to say”
All told, initial sales through Premint’s new minting platform generated just over $2 million, with all proceeds going to the author’s own Saisei Foundation. The foundation conducts research into treatments related to psychedelics, life extension, mental health, and more.
Also read: ImmutableX-Powered Gaming NFTs now Live on Nifty Gateway

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