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Oct 21, 2022, 07:00 ET
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50 Street Photographs, trimmed of its people, will be introduced as NFT’s. Evolved earthlings being able to teleport themselves out of the photograph and traverse across the Metaverse!
PUNE, India, Oct. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Teleported NFT Club aims to bridge the gap between the physical and the virtual metaverse realm through its unique NFT collection by creating a fiction around street photographs. This fiction uses teleportation as a medium to transport earthlings from street photographs to the metaverse realms. Brainchild of a passionate street photographer Gaurav Patharkar who aims to uplift photography NFT’s to the scale of generative art and thinks that a strong fiction around photography will be able to put photography NFT’s on the same pedestal as PFP’s or even better in terms of value.

Teleported NFT Club will release 50 NFTs in its first phase, which are street photographs curated from 5 years of hardcore street photography. These 50 NFTs are termed as ‘ARTCAGES’ and are considered home for the evolved teleported earthlings called ‘QUBITS’ Already gaining a huge attention from global NFT enthusiasts, this project is on its way to be the next revolution in the world of NFT’s.
The founder, being a devoted street photographer, is very considerate about what is being presented for NFt collectors and also has a strong roadmap for the project and its community. The next phases will involve contribution from street photographers across the globe and the official holders will be able to participate in charting the future of the multi metaverse roaming ‘QUBITS’. There is also a QUBIT exhibition in the Metaverse planned in the Roadmap.
Apart from being a favorite subject of science fiction novels and movies, teleportation research in real life has achieved great heights recently. Scientists have been able to teleport photons to a satellite 1400 Kms away from Earth. Teleportation concept has been woven into street photography creating a seamless bond between photography and the Metaverse. Teleported NFT Club aims to donate a fraction of its proceeds from NFT sales to the research on teleportation technology.
The dream of creating an out of the box NFT concept from existing earthly measures, where the idea functions as the artwork itself, has given rise to digital twins in terms of ARTCAGES & QUBITS. Ready to immerse themselves strongly into the new age technology, creating an opportunity for every enthusiast to experience this enchanting journey. Be an early part. To know more about the minting date and process, follow the Teleported NFT club on Twitter and join their Discord channel.
This press release was issued through For further information, visit
SOURCE Teleported NFT Club
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