Diamond Partner
Big Eyes (BIG) has been making the rounds on social media platforms with how good of a token it is but what exactly is making this token such a special one? 
There are quite a few landmark judgments which, while not resulting in the expected social transformation, have made a beginning simply by acknowledging the wrong
The latest Outlook edition titled Women-in-law takes stock of significant rulings and legislations in recent times that specifically deal with women’s rights in the country.
Progressive verdicts by courts help the cause of gender justice. But a lot remains to be done. Despite laws like protection of women from domestic violence act, 2005, Indian women continue to suffer violence in a patriarchal society, claim activists and experts
Why does our legal morality treat marriage between two people as some social welfare institution in whose continuance society at large has a stake?
Despite there being a multitude of alimony and maintenance laws, women are left empty-handed and struggle to make ends meet after a bad marriage, as experts feel that these laws do not give any cover for the women
Updated: 13 Sep 2022 4:23 pm
As the week comes to an end, some cryptocurrencies have come full circle and made it to the top of the list for top picks of the week. They are Big Eyes (BIG), Polygon, and Ethereum. 
Big Eyes (BIG) has been making the rounds on social media platforms with how good of a token it is but what exactly is making this token such a special one? 
Big Eyes (BIG), The Cute Coin
The innovation that is Big Eyes might just be one of the best things to happen to those who love cats, with a spotlight on the ones who are in the process of making their way into the crypto industry, although the journey might still seem stressful to them, knowing that cats are involved may make it easier. 
Big Eyes (BIG) is a meme coin that was inspired by cats, it is a full-on community token built with the intent to move wealth into the DeFi ecosystem and protect an important part of the world’s ecosystem.
Meme coins are known as wealth generators and coins built to be community biassed are also seen as wealth generators, so there is no doubt that big eyes plan to shift wealth into the ecosystem. 
Big Eyes wants to do more than give back to the ecosystem, it wishes to create a blockchain ecosystem that self-propagates for hypergrowth through the use of NFTs to offer access to more content and events that will eventually make the blockchain industry even more worthy of joining. 
This token was created first as just a cute token and innovation with it being viewed as a playful creation and while it may first have been not much of an advantage to the platform to not be taken seriously, the team decided to use the cuteness as a source of strength and as a way of dragging people into its ecosystem. 
Big Eyes (BIG) hopes to avoid joining the trend of crypto platforms that are surrounded by the noise of the coin without evidence of its growth, the token will go straight to business once the presale has begun. This is a cryptocurrency that is coming in with a definite plan of action.
Big Eyes plans to shift wealth into the DeFi ecosystem and to make sure this happens with enough protection, the ecosystem Big Eyes builds has to self propagate, every element has to be useful for generating wealth and attention for this project, except for the charity aspect, which is slowly for generating popularity for the BIG project and as a way to heal the world.
Polygon (MATIC) Makes It To The Top
Polygon (MATIC) is a decentralized Ethereum scaling platform that has a hand in helping developers with the tasks of creating scalable user-friendly decentralized apps while only being charged a lower transaction fee and no disturbance to security.
Ethereum (ETH) Once Again Makes It To The Top
Ethereum (ETH) is one token that always finds itself at the top of choice picks, it is after all one of the best and most popularly known cryptocurrencies.
To find out more about Big Eyes (BIG);
Website: https://bigeyes.space/
Telegram: https://t.me/BIGEYESOFFICIAL

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