SAN FRANCISCO (PRWEB) August 23, 2022
Slake (Slake It LLC), a cryptocurrency project focused on food service tech, is proud to announce its ITO (initial token offering) scheduled for August 26, 2022 at 5:30pm PST. Available on the decentralized Uniswap platform once live, the $SLAKE token will be on the ERC-20 blockchain. The ITO will be a 100% fair launch, with no presales. The smart contract was developed by Brewlabs.
Slake aims to disrupt the food service industry by developing an ecosystem for businesses and applications in the food service tech industry, such as payments, orders, delivery, reservations, loyalty rewards, and more. In an industry plagued by unreasonably high fees and slim margins, the goal of Slake is to foster a fair marketplace to ensure a positive experience and environment for all partners involved. In the future, as noted on the project roadmap, a proprietary blockchain that’s optimized for payment processing will be developed, opening doors, lowering costs, and providing multiple streams of revenue to fuel growth for the company.
The $SLAKE ERC-20 token will have a total supply of 500,000,000 tokens. With the allocation of three-phase wallets, the total amount in circulation will be roughly 440,000,000.
For every transaction of buying or selling tokens that occurs, Slake taxes must be applied.

The Slake cryptocurrency will have locked liquidity for 1 year for the safety of investors.
These are considered emergency tokens for extreme measures, to be used at the discretion of the Slake team solely for the benefit of the token. These wallets will be locked for an extensive period of time. The phase wallets are broken down as follows:


For questions or inquiries, please contact us at info@slake.it or visit our website at slake.it.
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