Quick take: 
Crypto winter and falling NFT floor prices, but one NFT whale Vis.ETH thinks the time couldn’t be better to add to their portfolio of blue-chip non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 
The Bored Ape Yacht Club member, who the BAYC also described as a metaverse mogul last night bought bored ape #5383 for a whopping 777 ETH (~$1.5 million), sending the median price for the BAYC collection skyrocketing to new 2-month highs.
The median price of both BAYC and Otherdeed for Otherside has reached a 2-month high. BAYC is currently at 441 ETH and Otherdeed for Otherside at 3.43 ETH.@DuneAnalytics dashboard by @SeaLaunch_. pic.twitter.com/QRfZjUOG5b
The purchase still stands out as an outlier in a rather subtle market with more bored apes NFTs selling for relatively cheaper.
Vis.ETH purchased the bored ape #5383 from another popular NFT trader, pseudonym q, who previously acquired it for 95 ETH. The sale netted q a whopping 500% in profit according to CryptoSlam data.
The sale comes at a time when BAYC floor price had declined significantly pushing the median price to 2-month lows.
The Bored Ape #5383 is a six-trait gold fur ape with a lumberjack shirt, angry eyes and a bored unshaven mouth, making it the 320th most rare primate in the collection according to rarity tools.
Speaking to Bored Ape Gazette, the news platform launched to document NFT activity for all projects associated with Yuga Labs, Vis.ETH said: “I wanted to collect a golden monkey,” adding, “777eth is a suitable price. Yuga will be the first successful social verse.”
The NFT whale also owns NFTs from leading blue-chip collections, including Cryptopunk #416, which Vis.ETH acquired for 250 ETH on April 15 (~$760k based on ETH price then), Bored Ape #2014, bought for 125 ETH three months ago, as well as, Ape number #8686 and #1131.
Other NFTs in Vis.ETH’s portfolio includes Otherdeeds from Otherside after investing $9 million according to Bored Ape Gazette. Vis.ETH is also a member of Mfers, CloneX, Azuki and Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) collections, among others.
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