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Software engineer and computer science expert, Taras Bobrovytsky, is the mastermind behind the Random Walk NFTs. Via this project, Taras Bobrovytsky brings his passion for Random Walk mathematics to life. Unlike other NFT projects, these NFTs are meant to be forever generatable. Therefore, there is no hard cap on the total number.
Similar to the mathematical process of random walks, the process of winning the Random Walk NFT game is based on randomness. Minting is continuous. Therefore, the main objective is to be the last minter for 30 days. The prizes will be 400 times the winner’s mint price, and the remaining money from the mint will remain in the DAO for the game to continue.
For every mint, the price to mint a Random Walk NFT increases, but the game restarts. After prize dispersal, the game begins when someone mints a new NFT.
The Random Walk DAO is controlled and maintained by smart contracts. These cannot be modified by anyone, including the Random Walk NFT team. They are immutable and continuous. As a result, not even Taras Bobrovytsky can manipulate this randomized and autonomous process.
Taras Bobrovytsky was born in Ukraine and grew up in Toronto. He has a strong background in computer science and worked as a software engineer in distributed systems and natural language AI in San Francisco for 6 years.
While working full-time in computer science, he began exploring the world of web3. Soon after, he made several successful investments with outsized returns to Tesla and various blockchain projects. He is an Ethereum L2 Bull, which is why he built the web3 project on Arbitrum. With a strong passion for exploring, Taras Bobrovytsky is constantly pushing the envelope and exploring the intersection of maths and art.
With his background in computer science and AI, Taras Bobrovytsky brought his passion for Random Walk mathematics to life via NFTs. Simply put, random walk mathematics is a randomized process that dictates a path consisting of a succession of random steps in various mathematical planes. When digitalized by the Random Walk team, this complex concept was brought to life via NFTs.
To Learn more, check out the Random Walk Website   .
All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.

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