Rear Window
Senator Andrew Bragg’s 10-point manifesto for the freshly-repudiated federal Liberal Party died writhing in its own banality. That grandiose proclamation, four days after the election, abjectly failed to vault Bragg into contention for the opposition shadow ministry.
Bragg has therefore returned to familiar territory, a policy area he’s really made his own: cryptocurrency.
Andrew Bragg has fallen hard for Finder’s co-founder Fred Schebesta, who resembles a macabre Jim Henson creation.
“It would be a severe misreading of current events to put crypto regulation on the back burner because of the collapse of certain virtual assets or because the price of bitcoin has fallen,” he wrote in The Australian on Monday.
“The fundamental strength and disruptive capacity of the technology remains sound, the utility remains and therefore popularity will be maintained.” These are impervious words in the wake of devastating losses for speculators in crypto, whose (non-criminal) utility remains unclear.
Bragg insisted that: “We must set governance standards to protect consumers and prevent damage, as seen in recent times with the collapse of stablecoins.”
This is transparently disingenuous. Bragg isn’t pushing crypto regulation to protect consumers! He is doing so to advance the crypto industry as its gormless parliamentary patron.
In November, Bragg delivered a speech to the company Finder, purveyor of crypto-linked deposit accounts with a guaranteed 4 per cent yield, and said: “Almost everyone I’ve spoken to in this industry understood that regulation would bring credibility and validity to this sector that had been cast aside by many as fanciful and illegitimate for its 12-year lifespan.”
Credibility and validity for crypto pedlars is Bragg’s motivation, so they can harvest the life savings of more unsuspecting consumers.
Bragg told The Australian this month he’d raised more than $300,000 ahead of the election through “a lot of dinners and lunches”. Crypto bros were well-represented at these events, tickets for which fall under the disclosure threshold for political donations.
In September 2019, the Senate formed a select committee on Financial Technology to conduct an inquiry. Bragg was named its chairman. There were six terms of reference, none of which even mentioned cryptocurrency or digital assets. In March 2021, the committee changed its name and adopted nine new terms of reference. Even still, only one of them even mentioned crypto.
Yet when all was said and done, Bragg called the committee’s final report “the crypto report”. That report, of course, recommends the crypto regulation Bragg is now pushing for. To protect consumers! For regulatory capture, the buy now, pay later sector has nothing on these crypto cowboys.
In particular, Bragg has fallen hard for Finder’s co-founder Fred Schebesta, who resembles a macabre Jim Henson creation. The two even have a podcast together.
In his November speech at Finder, Bragg noted that “Finder has played a vital role in this process through raw, simple, digestible data: statistics that were easily understood.” Finder clearly knows its audience! Feed the man simple numbers in big font and he’ll digest that data like it’s his own snot.
“The data [Finder] provided, that 17 per cent of Australians own cryptocurrency and that 13 per cent said that they planned to in the next 12 months, was some of the most important information we received,” Bragg continued. “I have cited those figures on countless occasions since, in speeches, in opinion pieces, and in the final report.”
That same month, the Reserve Bank’s head of payments Tony Richards tore these numbers to shreds, calling them “implausible” and “extremely surprising” and noting that they “may be symptomatic of the significant amount of hype and misinformation in this area”.
Yet in March this year, there was Bragg still claiming that “nearly 20 per cent of Australians own cryptocurrencies” and on Monday, he claimed “25 per cent of the population has accessed digital assets”.
In April, Roy Morgan found that around 5 per cent of Australians own cryptocurrency.
Last year, Fred Schebesta predicted the price of Bitcoin would hit $100,000 within a week. In January, he said it would hit $100,000 by the end of this year. It’s now $30,666. Would Fred be allowed to make these statements under Bragg’s regulatory regime?
Bragg’s shtick here isn’t about constraining crypto operators under the strict licensing regime that applies to other financial products, it’s about making Australia a global centre for crypto, as if Australia should aspire to be the next Malta or Cyprus, a Switzerland for bikies. As far as manifestos go, it’s even more inane than his last one.
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