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It was seen recently on Twitter that Magic Eden was being ‘sassy’ to OpenSea and mocking them on Twitter after the primarily Ethereum-based marketplace, OpenSea, Tweeted about Solana projects. Magic Eden seemingly still thinks that they’re still the Solana leaders, and don’t want to hand that title to OpenSea.
In the past while, major companies’ social media managers have taken a funny stance on their content strategy, from Ryanair to Duolingo just to name a few. Now, Magic Eden is the next on this, as they have mocked their new competitor OpenSea on the Twitter platform.
OpenSea’s original Tweet simply said: “A Solana project thread” which was followed by many Solana projects that they liked. Then, Magic Eden savagely replied: “a sOlAnA pRojEcT tHrEaD. This is what happens
when you don’t DYOR” in a clearly sarcastic tone. This response Tweet has “ratioed” OpenSea’s original Tweet as it sits on 3,032 likes at the time of writing, with OpenSea’s sitting at only 2,217.
This sarcastic response makes it clear that Magic Eden still feels that they’re the leader in the Solana space. This is despite the fact that OpenSea, the biggest NFT marketplace all in, has just stepped into the blockchain.
Magic Eden is the established brand in the Solana space, whereas OpenSea is the established brand in the Ethereum space. Should they just stay in their own lane? That’s the question.
After OpenSea has only ever really worked within Ethereum (and Polygon) based NFTs, they have lately stepped into the Solana ecosystem. Solana is certainly one of Ethereum’s biggest competitors for blockchains.
Now, OpenSea is in a Solana beta stage, allowing users to buy and sell Solana NFTs on their marketplace in beta.
The move to Solana, alongside Ethereum, makes sense for OpenSea. Not only does it broaden their audience, but it also allows them to have support for an eco-friendly blockchain. Further, it can allow its users to buy and sell certain NFTs with lower gas fees, and fast transactions. However, Magic Eden is still the clear leader in Solana.
In the past few weeks, as Ethereum has seen a decrease, Solana has increased drastically in sales. Solana has always been around, with Magic Eden and Solanart being the leading marketplaces. However, Ethereum fans have often looked down upon the Solana blockchain, naming it a worse blockchain.
Magic Eden is a Solana NFT marketplace and is the market leader in the space. It allows users to create, buy and sell NFTs on the Solana blockchain.
They have a general marketplace, and also have a minting launchpad built into the platform. Here, certain projects, chosen by the company, can mint their NFTs if Magic Eden feels that they’re good enough.
Sadly, through this minting launchpad, some projects including Balloonsville turned out to be rug pulls. Magic Eden was criticised massively for the things that you needed to get into it. In the case of Balloonsville, they apparently weren’t even asked for ID.
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A multimedia journalist and social media manager based out of Glasgow, Scotland. Massive interest in sports, specifically basketball and football.

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